Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

To keep your air conditioner running smoothly around the year, you need regular checks, cleanliness, and maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently.

Before we discuss air conditioner maintenance tips, let’s consider when you need AC maintenance services.

Signs You Need AC Maintenance Services

  1. High Level of Humidity in Doors
  2. Insufficient Airflow
  3. Unusual noises or water dipping
  4. Increase Electricity Consumption

If you think your air conditioner needs maintenance after inspection, you should consider the mentioned checklist.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Checklist

  • Check AC filters, Condenser drains, leaks, and insulation
  • Inspect refrigerant lines and clear debris
  • Program and examine your thermostat
  • Fix AC Leaks
  • Clean the dirty AC filters, condenser, fins, outdoor AC unit, and evaporator coil
  • Regular professional AC maintenance


The question arises,

How often do you need air conditioner maintenance?

Experts suggest that every 3-4 months, you must service your AC drain lines and drip trays to maintain cleanliness and efficiency.

In today’s blog, we will discuss how to maintain your AC throughout the year. Dubai’s temperature can climb from 43°C to 48°C anywhere, so it’s hard to stay there without AC.

If you live in Dubai and face issues with your home air conditioner, here’s an expert’s step-by-step guide to maintaining it.

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Home Cool

Air conditioners are used for cooling purposes and are vital for maintaining comfort in Dubai’s heat. They are good enough to remove heat and deliver cool air. If we learn about the importance of Air conditioner maintenance, we can ensure efficient performance, low energy usage, and a good environment.

There are some important steps in AC maintenance.

Want to know about them? Keep reading.

    1. Inspect and replace your filters
    2. Right AC size
    3. Check and Clean the condensate drain
    4. Clean your Indoor unit
    5. shading and  Cleaning your Outdoor unit
    6. Maintenance services 
    7. lubricating moving parts
    8. Check Insulation
    9. Accurate thermostat 

Inspect and replace your filters 

AC filters contain most of the dirt, which turns into debris. This will block the airflow and even affect the quality of air. AC filters should be cleaned before every season and, if necessary, twice in summer because that’s when Air conditioners are mostly used. 

Choose the right AC

Not one size fits all. Each room needs a specific type and size of AC. It first depends on the room’s size, then its usage, the number of people in the room, and whether the room faces the sun directly. An AC’s cooling capacity is determined by tonnage. The larger the tonnage, the greater the cooling use. 

Here’s the chart explaining the right size of AC for specific rooms

Schedule maintenance services 

Maintaining and servicing your AC regularly is much more important than anything else. You have to schedule seasonal checkups for your AC to rule out any problems beforehand. If you find any issue, delaying its repair will only make it worse.

Cleaning condensate drain 

Ensure the drain is clean and has no potential water damage. It will eventually prevent water backups.

Clean indoor unit

The indoor unit needs to be cleaned to maintain proper cooling and efficient working. 

The unit has to be inspected to check the filters, wings, and other parts. 

Lubricating movable components

The movable components of AC should be well-lubricated. This will ease mobility, which will eventually help improve performance

Accurate thermostat

It is not important to feel chills in hot summers inside your home if you have an AC. ACs are meant to provide a comfortable environment. Maintaining a specific temperature on the AC will promote its efficiency and manage energy bills. As indicated, setting a thermostat at 24 – 26 will help cool the room faster and reduce energy consumption. 

Shading and cleaning the outdoor unit

For ACs to work efficiently indoors, they should be cared for outdoors. A shade should be placed on the outdoor unit. This will prevent direct heat from the sun and eventually help cool the AC. 

Check Insulation

It is very important to check the insulation mechanism of AC.

Insulation material should be used with an effective vapor barrier.  

Other than air conditioner maintenance tips, there are some things you should keep an eye on to maintain good AC cooling.

  • Seal doors and windows 
  • Better insulation 
  • Use fans
  • Close curtains and blinds
  • Avoid heat-generating activities 


Conclusively, air conditioner maintenance is crucial, especially in hot summers, to ensure efficient performance, less energy consumption, and longevity. Regular air conditioner maintenance includes cleaning filterscleaning coilsadequate airflow, and inspections. Efficiency reduces energy usage, which leads to lower bills.

These tips will empower you to take control of your indoor environment and make it suitable according to your needs. If you understand your system, your system will understand you. This will also help you figure out any issues in the system and acknowledge them. This will eventually save you money and ensure that your AC system will work longer and provide comfort. 

Quality and regular air conditioner maintenance ensures that your environment remains comfortable and cool and promotes energy efficiency. By following these maintenance tips and tricks, you are maintaining the air system and the home’s environment and comfort, which will lead to efficiency for many years.

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